The agenda for the next City Council meeting includes a presentation about Downtown Development by representatives of Circle Development, action involving executing contracts for both the annual road paving program and the roundabouts to be constructed on Plainfield Road and adjacent to SR 126, and other business. The meeting will be at 7:00 in Council Chambers. The city will not be live-streaming the meeting. Read on if you want to know if your street is on the listed proposed to be paved this year.
2021 Road Paving Project
City administration is recommending council approve the 2021 road paving program that includes milling, storm water inlet repair, and base repairs on these roads:
- West Avenue
- Perry Ave at West
- Northfield Road
- Miller Road
- Conklin Road
- Maynard Drive
- Highland Avenue
- Creek Road
The program also includes bridge surface repairs on Anderson Way, Carver Road, and Alliance Culvert.
Finally, Myerdayle Drive, Woodcreek Drive, and Muirfield Lane will be repaired and resurfaced and also have ADA ramps installed.
The administration is recommending that the contract be awarded to Barrett Paving Materials, Inc. who submitted the low bid of $653,774.27.

Progressing toward the Roundabouts on Plainfield, Hunt Roads
Council is being asked to approve a contract for a firm to manage the construction administration, inspection and materials management for the roundabouts to be built on Plainfield and Hunt Roads. According to the schedule of the state website, construction is estimated to begin on July 1, 2021 and be completed by October 1, 2022. Learn more about this project on the City of Blue Ash website for the project.
Set Public Hearings for Expansion of Hickory Ridge Condominiums and Adjust Site Plan for Park Manor adjacent to Monroe Avenue
At the meeting, Council is expected to set public hearings for Thursday, April 22 beginning at 7:05 PM to consider two development plans recently considered by the Planning Commission. The first is a plan to develop seven single-family detached residences on 1.117 acres adjacent to Hickory Ridge Condominiums. This site was retained by the previous owners where the existing condos were developed and was planned to be included in the project when the owners eventually moved.

The second plan “replaces one 12-unit building that would be in the northwest corner of the [Park Manor] site with three single-family homes. The homes would be accessed from the internal site driveway adjacent to Monroe Ave.” See the map at the left.
Final Item: Presentation on Cooper and Kenwood / Ringo Lanes / Hosbrook Development?
The last item on the agenda is listed as “Downtown Development Presentation – Ray Schneider, Gregg Lund and associates, Circle Development”. Though there is no further information, Circle Development is expected to partner with the city to jointly develop their properties at the corner of Kenwood and Cooper Roads made up by the Hosbrook site and Ringo Lanes.
Circle Development last presented to City Council at their January 28 meeting. You can find more about that meeting by reading this post.