Blue Ash Council Moves Towards Legalizing “Golf Carts” on Roads, other business

Blue Ash Council Moves Towards Legalizing “Golf Carts” on Roads, other business

In the May 13 meeting of the Blue Ash City Council, members moved to direct city staff to draft legislation that, if passed, would allow “low-speed” and “under-speed” vehicles on city roads with speed limits of 35 MPH or lower. Additionally, they set a hearing on a request to allow a mixed use development on the site of the former P&G east campus, moved forward the HAM Plainfield Roundabout, and other routine business. Read on for details.

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The Definitive Answer for What’s Happening at Kenwood and Cooper: It’s Complicated

The Definitive Answer for What’s Happening at Kenwood and Cooper: It’s Complicated

Representatives of Raymond Schneider’s Circle Development made a presentation to Blue Ash City Council on April 8 about proposed project at the corner of Kenwood and Cooper Roads (Hosbrook Property and Ringo Lanes). The clearest news came with so many qualifiers and maybes that the final outcome is little more than a guess. However, the information presented did reveal the developer’s wishes and is a starting point for the discussion. Read on to learn what is known now and where the process goes from here.

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Cincinnati Made the Late Show

Cincinnati Made the Late Show

In last night’s Quarantinewhile segment on The Late Show, Stephen Colbert poked fun at Cincinnati’s recent escaped monkeys suggesting that they were just, “Responding to a natural instinct to find a place that does not put chili on spaghetti.” WRONG! If anything, they were looking for the best Cincinnati Chili! Watch the segment below:

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Cooper and Kenwood, Road Paving on Council Agenda 4/8

Cooper and Kenwood, Road Paving on Council Agenda 4/8

The agenda for the next City Council meeting includes a presentation about Downtown Development by representatives of Circle Development, action involving executing contracts for both the annual road paving program and the roundabouts to be constructed on Plainfield Road and adjacent to SR 126, and other business. The meeting will be at 7:00 in Council Chambers. The city will not be live-streaming the meeting. Read on if you want to know if your street is on the listed proposed to be paved this year.

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